What expectations did you have before you started readingBelow?If your expectations weren’t met, how does that change the way you perceive the Traces trilogy as a whole?
How does Aiden evolve over the course of the story?Who or what contributes to her growth?
In addition to being coerced into joining the Agency, Cole is forced to face horrendously painful memories.Who or what is the greatest threat to his safety?When did you notice him reaching his breaking point?
In this story, what does it mean to be strong?Do you see Cole’s (seeming) fearlessness as heroic, or is it something else?
Katz and Donovan, Aiden and Cole — what parallels can you see between these two relationships?
How do the themes ofTraces— memory, identity, and trust — reappear and echo throughoutBelow?
Many of the supporting characters have their own struggles.Whose story affected you the most?
Oliver Lengler-Chance remains a fairly nebulous antagonist.Do you understand the choice of not giving him any more “page time”?
How do Aiden and Cole (but also Donovan, Katz, Estelle, Kei, Lawrence, Ivanson, and others) defy stereotypes and expectations?Think of gender roles and gender expression, sexual orientation, gender identity, social status, and mental as well as physical health. Why are some characters written as more (stereo)typical?
How do the different settings ofBelowadd to the story?How do you see the characters reflected in them?
How do you feel about the Agency and its policies (emphasis on secrecy, recruitment tactics et c.)?Do you think that having the gift of telepathy ought to come with the obligation to serve?
Aiden doesn’t allow herself to think about her grandfather’s death.To what extent is her inability to cope with this enormous loss relatable?
At the end ofBelow, Aiden ends her relationship with Cole. Do you understand her choice?Would you have preferred a different ending? Why (not)?
Did certain elements ofBelowmake you uncomfortable?If so, why? Did your discomfort give you a new perspective on an event, experience, or relationship in your life, or did it cement your attitude about one of these things instead?